fr deExplanation and information to: High-Tech Products

Surely, the requirements to a high-capacity partner are now made a complete program. Not only the standard products in our industry, but also the need for a modern and high-tech fleet of vehicles and machinery special oils and specialty fats are now the accepted measure of a lubricant specialists.

For this reason, our product range and supply has developed into a full product range. At the engine oil from unalloyed vintage oils to high performance cross country oils for extended oil change intervals, as well as mineral, synthetic and partially synthetic switching, axle and automotive gear oils. And every year, new product developments join.

A number of mineral, synthetic, water-and environment-friendly hydraulic and industrial oils are available:

  • Special products for gas engines and cogeneration plants - the modern alternative for power and heat production.
  • Innovative cutting oils for asphalt and concrete. Water soluble and non water-miscible cutting fluid for all applications in metalworking.
  • The whole range of fats and pastes: From simple greases, via long term and life time fats, to MOS ² and PTFE pastes.
  • Silicone oils and fats, copper, aluminum and metal pastes, as well as maintenance and care sprays.
  • We also offer the food processing industry a range of oils, greases, pastes and aerosols according to USDA + NSF H1, (food grade) Regulations and releases.

The High-Tech-Programm will complete through the complete range of oil and grease handling equipment. From the grease gun, via electrical and pneumatic grease and oil production equipment, to complete oil supply systems and workshop facilities.

This includes the storage of chemicals and oils, such as waterproofing pallets, warehouse safety and special containers in different designs. Continuative, liquid cleaners, hand cleaners and wipes are available.

By now, we are one of the largest distributors for oil and chemical binders in Southern Germany.
We provide a complete range of

  • sorbents and granules
  • powders
  • oil cloth
  • oil spillage
  • absorption cloth
  • mats
  • and directly aid equipment

for the inclusion of oils, aqueous medias and chemicals available.

This range is completed with the necessary asphalt-, stone- and concrete cleaners, which have of course the now necessary environmental- and road registration.

tecoil® internationally registered trademarks of lubricants.


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